Glade brings back memories. Hasn’t it been around forever? I remember a spray can of Glade sitting on the back of most toilets when I was growing up. I can’t shake the heavy, flowery scent coming from a room after someone sprayed. I stopped using Glade, and all spray room fresheners well before the Natural Resources…
Reusable Bag Giveaway from MightyNest
Reusable bags are taking over our kitchen and that’s a good thing. I’m talking about reusable snack and sandwich bags for packing our school lunch and they’re everywhere, filling drawers and cabinets waiting to be used. Did you know that children’s lunches create more than 3.5 billion pounds of garbage each year, which amounts to a crazy 18,760…
Disney is Pushing Me Outside of My Comfort Zone
As most of you know I’ve been working really hard to get Disney to change their ways. Here’s a quick recap: Back in August the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) published a national report, Hidden Hazards: Toxic Chemicals Inside Children’s Back to School Supplies, which found that seventy-five percent of children’s “back-to-school” supplies tested…
How to Find Safe Nail Polish Remover
Nail polish sparkled on my fingers and toes for many years. And where’s there’s nail polish there’s a need for nail polish remover. When I was working as an attorney I allowed myself a weekly escape from the office for an hour or so for some needed pampering-a manicure was generally the pampering of choice. Looking…
I Stand With Kids, Not Toxic Chemicals
Toxic chemicals are everywhere. As parents most of us do our best to keep our kids safe, but unfortunately it’s not always easy or within our control. Our kids are exposed to toxic chemicals on a daily basis through a variety of consumer products found in our homes. This is unacceptable. If you’ve been a…