This post originally appeared on The Huffington Post Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many. It’s a time to eat, indulge and spend uninterrupted time with family. It’s also a time for reflection. A time to think about what we’re thankful for and a time to think about how the choices we make impact our families…
carbon footprint
A Swimsuit that Will Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
I’m dreaming of a warm vacation. Preferably one that requires a swimsuit. When I woke up this morning the outside temperature was 9 degrees. I know I’m not the only dreamer. Many places are still covered in snow with no sign of spring in the near future. So all I can do is dream of…
4 Resolutions to Fight Climate Change
This month the green moms have gathered once again for the Green Moms Carnival to share our thoughts on Resolutions to Fight Climate Change. The carnival is hosted this month by Amber over at The carnival goes live Monday, January 23, 2012. Be sure to stop by for lots of great information on ways…
Try a Green Surge Protector and Save Some Green
Technorati claim code 6JGJJPAB5JV6 Have you heard of vampire power? Don’t get too excited-I’m not talking the Twilight Series. Vampire power is the energy sucked out by plugged-in appliances that are on standby mode or turned off. Many small appliances made today continue to draw power, even when they are switched off. Nearly 20 percent…