Halloween treats are filling up prime real estate in most stores and shops these days. With the holiday just a few days away those Halloween treats are in demand. I’m never quite sure how to gauge how many kids will stop by, so I stock up with plenty to hand out to the neighborhood ghouls…
Healthy Halloween in the House
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I’m all for staying local, hanging with neighbors and indulging a bit. This year I had a few extra days home with my kids thanks to Hurricane Sandy so we spent time creating and recreating Halloween costumes and decorations. While much of the East Coast is still reeling from the…
Halloween and the Truth About High Fructose Corn Syrup
Candy Corn, Kit Kats and M&M’s oh my! Every Halloween it’s those bite sized candy bars that get me. Somehow on Halloween I give myself permission and I’m able to rationalize eating those fun- sized pieces (and lots of them). Bad news for me: the National Confectioners Association says that two 50-calorie bite-size candy bars…
Me, Me, Me and You Too
Happy Friday everyone! This has been an interesting week-bouncing from fleece to shorts and back again. Before jumping into the weekend I wanted to share a few quick things with you. With only 10 days to go until Halloween, I wish I could tell you that our costumes are set and we are ready to…
Go Green and Swap This Halloween
Halloween is one of those holidays that’s easy to love- it’s a chance to stay local, spend time with neighbors and check out all of the creative costumes. The costume catalogs are already flooding our mailbox and my kids have spent endless hours discussing and debating what their Halloween costumes of choice will be this…
How to Put a Little Green in Your Halloween
It’s that time of year again-time for creepy decorations, ghoulish Jack-O-Lanterns and freaky costumes-Halloween. This holiday easily makes it to the top of my favorite holiday list-I’ll take any excuse to stay local, hang with wonderful neighbors and dress up in something you have been dying to sport all year long but felt it was too…