In one short week summer officially begins for our family. I’m looking forward to the change of pace and lack of schedule during the summer months. The transition from spring to summer isn’t always an easy shift for me, but I’m determined this summer to try a few new things that will keep me motivated and…
Find Out What’s Really In Your Food With a New App
We all know how confusing and time consuming it can be at the supermarket when we’re on a quest to find healthy, non-toxic food for our families. Going aisle to aisle reading labels and deciphering ingredients is an ongoing challenge for many of us. Well get ready-there’s some exciting news on the food front! The…
Why Agave is Worse Than High Fructose Corn Syrup
For those of you still using agave as a sugar substitute, I have some bad news. But before I break the news to you, I have a confession: I still use agave. It’s in my ketchup and probably a few other places in my kitchen. I fell for the hype, and I know I’m not…
21 Day Whole Body Cleanse: Tips and Inspiration for Making it Work
When I first heard the words “21 day cleanse” my automatic response was NO WAY. After a few weeks and much convincing I warmed up to the idea of a 3 week cleanse. Sounds kind of crazy, doesn’t it? For the past few years I’ve been doing a 5 day juice cleanse. It was quick and…
10 Shocking Facts About Sugar From the Movie ‘Fed Up’
I just finished watching the movie Fed Up with my 13 year old. It was eye-opening on many levels. As the credits were rolling I sat on the couch next to my son feeling angry, upset and fed up. But I also felt grateful that I was able to watch this incredible documentary with my…
Halloween and the Truth About High Fructose Corn Syrup
Candy Corn, Kit Kats and M&M’s oh my! Every Halloween it’s those bite sized candy bars that get me. Somehow on Halloween I give myself permission and I’m able to rationalize eating those fun- sized pieces (and lots of them). Bad news for me: the National Confectioners Association says that two 50-calorie bite-size candy bars…
Got Milk? Try These 4 Dairy Free Options
Mooove over cow milk, there are some new (and not so new) milk choices in town. Many people are opting for dairy free milk alternatives and fortunately there are some great options out there. With just as much calcium and vitamins in milk alternatives, there are a variety of reasons for steering clear of dairy….